Assign profiles to hostnames, usernames, or username+hostname combinations. ITerm2 remembers the directories you use, sorting them by "frecency" and giving you access to them in the toolbelt and in a popup window. Easy access to recently and frequently used directories. It can be seen and searched in the toolbelt or quickly accessed in a popup window. Hold down option and drag-drop a file from Finder into iTerm2 to upload it.
#Iterm tmux integration download#
You can right click on a filename (e.g., in the output of ls) to download it. Download files from remote hosts with a click. You can see the return status code, working directory, running time, and more for shell commands entered at the prompt in the past. ITerm2 will present a modal alert when a long-running command finishes, if you ask it to. Alert when current command finishes running. They make it easy to navigate to previous shell prompts or other locations of interest. Shell Integration enables numerous features: Marks
#Iterm tmux integration install#
Add this to the end of ~/.login:ĭon't want to or can't install a login script? See the workaround at the end of this document usingĮlvish users: Diego Zamboni maintains a shell integration script for Elvish on Github. Next, you need to load the script at login time. Select your shell to see the appropriate instructions: This is also what you must do if you use a shell that isn't your login shell. When you select the iTerm2>Install Shell Integration menu item, it types this for you: curl -L | bashĭon't care for piping curl to bash? Do it by hand. Contributions for other shells are most welcome. The following shells are supported: tcsh, zsh, bash, and fish 2.3 or later. You should do this on every host you ssh to as well as your local machine. It will download and run a shell script as described below. The easiest way to install shell integration is to select the iTerm2>Install Shell Integration menu item. You can’t really utilize it at all except for controlling the session.ITerm2 may be integrated with the unix shell so that it can keep track of your command history, current working directory, host name, and more-even over ssh. This is actually really cool because you are actually using tmux just like you would with multiple panes into different servers etc.but its all actually just a tmux session! What sucks here is that you have to keep the “tmux -CC” shell open (minimized works too) for iterm to keep its connection to tmux. Tmux -CC #start a new session spawning a new iterm window tmux -CC attach #reattach to that session which spawns the iterm window with everything the way it was How does this work? You actually utilize tmux as follows: So I did some searching and found out about iterm2?s actually pretty sweet tmux intergration! Except for again, this doesn’t work when using tmux since iterm doesn’t know about tmux’es panes. The other thing that would be nice is being able to use iterm2?s broadcast feature where you can enter a command that gets replicated on all your other panes. Note that this will select everything in the current pane and pane next to it as well since iterm sees all the tmux panes as one pane/window. You can get around this by holding Alt/Option when selecting text. One key thing that you loose using tmux is the ability to use copy/paste efficiently since when you highlight something, that is registered at the tmux level, not the OS/iterm2 level.

You can search google for sample configs if you’d like to fiddle more. I also enabled the tmux plugin for oh-my-zsh which adds a few nice features, primarily allowing you to not have to type “attach”. #enable mouse support setw -g mode-mouse on set -g mouse-select-pane on set -g mouse-resize-pane on set -g mouse-select-window on One of the key things I loved about it was the epic mouse integration for scrolling, selecting panes, and resizing panes: So I experienced tmux last week for not the first time but the “definitive time” where I actually played/studied it and configured it to my liking.